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Thursday, June 5, 2008

Quote of the Day

From an article in the New Republic, about the practice of communion denial in Catholic church:
"To think you have done a generous thing for your neighbor or that you have
built up a culture of life just because you voted for a candidate who says
his brochure that he wants to overturn Roe v. Wade is far too thin an
understanding of the Catholic faith," he said. Kmiec, a critic of the Bush
administration's Iraq policy, added that Catholics should heed "the broad
social teaching of the church," including its views on war.

The speaker is Douglas Kmiec, a famous conservative denied communion two months ago because of his support for Obama. Two weeks ago, I attended the Basilica in Dyersville, IA with Kara and heard how the sacrament of communion was under attack when received by 'politicians who support abortion'. I refused to take communion at this service. We liberal Catholics must take back our pulpit from those priests who wish to turn them into Republican campaign headquarters. Do not take communion from priests who campaign for Republicans in their homilies or missives, and do not give them any contributions.

Douglas Kmiec is a hero of conscience, and a conservative I will stand up with any day.

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